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《肉体欺骗》是一部悬疑 惊悚 恐怖电影。

爱丽丝(Kristanna Loken)是一个著名的畅销书作家。她是通过他的新书的工作一半,但不能写了。前一年,她做了一个可怕的事故在马耳他,她与她的丈夫住在他家别墅和马克斯(安东尼奥Cupo)她昏迷了两个星期。在醒来,她失去了她的记忆的一部分,没有事故的回忆和她在马耳他。从那时起,她一直患有抑郁症和有复发和神秘的噩梦。马克斯也是她的经纪人说服她回到马耳他希望事情会开启了她的心思,这样她就可以再次开始工作,满足最后交货期限出版商给了她。在美丽的马耳他别墅柠檬树包围,他们欢迎一个惊人的地中海女孩莎拉(撒莱Givaty)马克斯已雇来帮助在房子周围。女孩立即与爱丽丝建立友谊和信任。两个不同的女人,一个性感和自信...

Alice (Kristanna Loken) is a ghostwriter for a famous bestselling author. She is half through the work of the his new book, but cannot write anymore. A year before she has had a terrible accident in Malta where she was staying with her husband Max (Antonio Cupo) in his family villa and she was in a coma for two weeks. On waking up she had lost part of her memory and has no recollection of the accident and her stay in Malta. Since then, she has been suffering from depression and has recurrent and cryptic nightmares. Max who is her agent as well persuades her to go back to Malta hoping that something will unblock her mind so she can start working again and meet the last delivery deadline the publisher has given her. In the beautiful Maltese villa surrounded by lemon trees, they are welcomed by a stunning Mediterranean girl Sara (Sarai Givaty) Max has hired to help around the house. the girl immediately establishes a friendship and trust with Alice. Two different women, one sensual and self-assured, the other mysterious and insecure... In the meantime, another stranger Castellano (Giulio Berruti) is snooping around the villa, spying Sara, talking to Alice and exchanging items with a local policeman. Are ours characters really who we think they are? Is there a different version of the truth ?All is about to be seen ...




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